Thursday 18 July 2013

Social and Cultural Significance Of Food Preparation and Consumption

As you know, our group did five dishes: Mee goreng mamak, chai tao kway, mee soto, rojak petis and laksa.

Mee Goreng Mamak

There is no social or but some cultural significance of Mee Goreng Mamak. However, since the Indian Muslims invented this dish, they will only add halal ingredients to this dish. Other than that, the people who prepared this dish often have a secret recipe/ingredients which are passed on from one generation to another, for many Mee Goreng Mamak stalls have been serving the dish for many years. For example, the person we interviewed had been serving Mee Goreng Mamak for 34 years already.

Chai Tao Kway

There is no social but some cultural significance for Chai Tao Kway.  However, there are no hard and fast rules in preparing this dish. For instance, if a person prefers to add more radishes/flour, it will not change the essence of the dish. Other than that, this dish has to be consumed as soon as popular so that the dish will taste better.

Mee Soto

There is no social but some cultural significance to Mee Soto. People who cook this dish will follow the recipe that has been passed down from their family etc. as there are no two Mee Soto dishes that are the same.

Rojak Petis

There is some social and cultural significance to Rojak Petis. Although this dish was invented by the Indonesians who emigrated to Singapore, the Chinese adapted this dish to make it their own by adding other ingredients, which makes was Rojak Petis what it is today.


There is some social and cultural significance to Laksa. This dish was invented by the Peranakan culture, which is the Malay and Chinese. They have formed this dish together, adding their own ethnic flavours, recipes and ingredients to make what Laksa what it is today.

There is some social

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